Monday, January 10, 2011

From Surviving to Thriving...

2010 was one of the roughest, yet most blessed years of my life. It's amazing how some of the greatest and most rewarding things can also be so stressful. From having a beautiful baby boy amidst a 6 month long kitchen remodel, to spending 5 days in the hospital when he had RSV... I'd say this year has been a whirlwind. Most of the time I was just surviving from one day to the next. From one adventure to another.

But, I wouldn't trade a minute of my time with these two men for anything.

And who can argue with having a kitchen like this?

And despite all the sickness Nathan experienced the month of December. It doesn't stop his smiles.

All I can say is that I'm ready to go from surviving, to thriving. And with that, most importantly, is taking full advantage of the wonderful friends and family I have surrounding me. This year, my resolution is to be more intentional in my relationships. To deepen my relationships rather than just maintain them.

Most of all, I just want to be a better me. =)

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