Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So I've had a total of three weeks off work now, waiting on Nathan's arrival. You'd think I would have jumped back into the blogging world before now, but somehow the thought just didn't cross my mind. So I figure now that my pregnancy has less than 7 days to go, it's a good time to start back up.

So baby Nathan is due tomorrow and I can't tell you how ready I am for him to be here. It's going to be such an exciting adventure and I can't wait. I'm still having a hard time imagining what it's really going to be like to have him handed to me. I joke that he better be cute cause all his procrastination has earned him a kick in the pants. ;) Of course, I won't feel a bit that way once he's here, I'm sure.

I think the anxiety of waiting is so high because my doctor was predicting him to come early. Now that the due date is here, they're just predicting him to be large. Great! Lol. Words of wisdom for future pregnant women: don't let yourself create a phantom early due date. It'll only make things harder when the baby comes on time or late! And it's no fun receiving upwards of five calls a day with the question "baby yet?" No... no baby yet. Trust me, you'll know when he's here. Promise! =D

So I had a doctors appointment today and was told that I'm scheduled to be induced next tuesday night. That means they'll start prepping me tuesday evening (I'll leave out the details). Hah. It'll just be Andrew and I at that point. Then wednesday morning, they'll start giving me the drugs that actually induce the labor. Sounds fun, eh? Needless to say, I am NOT excited about it. For one, it's going to make it an extra long process and increase my anxiety as tuesday gets closer and closer. For two, it's just disappointing my body's not taking these steps on it's own. I logically know that there's nothing I can do to change how the little guy decides to enter the world, but it's still frustrating. The good part though, is that there's a deadline to all the waiting. One week from now, we should have our beautiful little man here with us. =) Can't wait for that part!

In the mean time, let's all pray that he comes on his own. Perhaps tomorrow, on his due date, so we can be out of the hospital and at home for Easter? That'd be nice. Maybe he's not going to be late after all. Maybe he's just good at doing what he's told. He was told April 1st and he's stickin to it. I hope! =D