So the past few months have been a whirlwind and somehow throughout that whirlwind, I've been growing deeper as a person and a follower of Christ than I have in a long time. It's so true that God really meets you in the lowest and deepest places. I think He loves having the opportunity to pull you out of the pit.
I've been thinking and focusing a lot lately on being the best Amy possible. I've been trying to lose weight, read more books, spend daily time with God, and invest myself in people around me. What I've been learning through this process is that everyone I come in contact with (friends, customers, coworkers) has a varying opinion about what the best "me" is. Everyone in your life has expectations of you. It's normal. It's typical. It's exhausting. So, as I'm on this adventure of being the best me I can be, how can I possibly be all these different things to all these different people? At the same time, how can I be the best me for myself? Well... I can't.
So what do I do with this? No matter what I do, how I act, what I say or how I present myself, someone somewhere will be disappointed with the me that I am. Well, lucky me, I have the answer. All I can do is try my best to work towards being more like Christ everyday. Humans are flawed, myself included. He is not. Therefore, if He is satisfied with my heart and my intentions, that's really all that matters.
So instead of striving to be the best me that my friends want to see, or the best me that I want to see, here's to striving to be the best me that God wants to see. I'm sure I won't get it right everyday or even every hour. But I'm gonna try. Cause His is the only standard that I know is good and righteous...
14 years ago