Friday, May 7, 2010

Big Weekend!

So this is quite the weekend for our little family. Nathan is one month old today! Sunday is my first mother's day! And sunday is also when we're having little Nathan dedicated at church! Woo!

I'm very excited for Nathan's dedication. For one: Adam and Becca are having Elsa dedicated too. It's just so nice for it to be a family affair. I can hardly remember when church was a family activity and it's really nice to be able to experience that. I can't wait for Nathan and Elsa to be in sunday school classes together. So cute!

Also: I'm excited to be standing up in front of our church family and making the promise to lead and raise Nathan in the way of Christ. It's an amazing feeling to sit and stare at him and know that I get to play such a huge role in his upbringing. I always intended on raising my kids in "the church," but I'm thrilled to have found such a wonderful church family to actually make it a reality. I can see us being part of this church family for endless years to come, and I can't imagine a better place, a better group of people, to trust with my child and the teachings that he'll be hearing.

I know there are a handful of people in our families and friends that are confused and/or disappointed that we're having him dedicated, not baptized. Andrew and I were both raised in Lutheran churches and we were both baptized as babies, but I'm excited for what Nathan is going to experience. I chose to get baptized again myself about 5 years ago. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and Nathan will have that. But instead of it being when he's a baby... a memory he will never have... it will be when he's old enough to look at us himself and tell us of his love for Jesus and ask to be baptized. How cool is that?! Who knows when it will be. Maybe he'll be 5, 10, 15... but when it happens, it'll be so exciting to share that decision and that moment with him. =)

The only disappointment about this weekend is the few people that I really thought would make an effort to come, but aren't. I remember when I got married, how I'd be surprised who considered one thing more important that something else. It was a reality check to me. Sometimes the most important and exciting thing in your life just isn't a priority in someone else's. Luckily, I learned that lesson then. And although it can sometimes be a lesson I need to learn again and again, I'm going to do my best to focus on all the people that we do get to share this weekend with.

Happy one month birthday, Nathan! We love you and we can't wait to hold your hand as you grow. <3

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Babies and Kitchens and Dogs, Oh my!

So I really wish I had been updating more, but I've had my hands quite literally full with little Nathan Man. It's been busy here around the Husted house. Andrew's been working his regular job 40 hours a week, followed by working on our kitchen remodel nearly every week night and the entire weekend. Needless to say, it's been loud (mix kitchen demolition with crying baby and barking dog and that's my life), and he's been so busy that I've been on Nathan duty nearly 24/7. I do my best not to complain considering that I agreed to this kitchen remodel many months ago. I guess I didn't realize how emotionally draining a newborn baby is. I'm lucky that Nathan is so good, but it doesn't mean he doesn't require constant attention. It gets quite monotonous and I'm the type of person that likes some variety. Being a stay at home mom would sound more fun if I knew I got my evenings and weekends off with another set of hands. =P We've had much help, which has been appreciated, but it's not the same as Daddy taking over. =)

Nathan's doing awesome well. He has many a fussy moment during the day, but he's sleeping really well at night. Can't complain! He's pretty consistent at giving us a 6 hour stretch followed by another 3-4 hour stretch with a feeding in between. But two nights ago he gave us a full 8 hours! I woke up in a panic because I was so surprised!

Maternity leave is coming quickly to an end. Since I went out of work 4 weeks early, I have to go back 4 weeks early. This didn't bother me when I first went out of work because I was honestly planning not to go back. I had just gotten so miserable at my job and I needed a switch. Andrew and I had it all planned for me to serve a few nights a week and just trade Nathan back and forth. Then... we got a new manager at work and all of my coworkers love their jobs again. That threw a wrench into my plans. After much consideration, it looks like Andrew and I are at least going to give it a shot with me going back to work during the days. I figure I can see how things are and go from there. If it doesn't work out like I'm hoping, I can always quit later and go back to plan A. The only catch is that now we need someone to watch Nathan during the days. We aren't really interested in doing a standard day care. We're hoping to find someone through our church, or through friends, that does in-home care. We'd only need it two to three days a week. I will have wednesdays off and Andrew's mom can watch him one or two days a week as well. So something part time would be splendid. If anyone knows anyone in the Fairlawn/West Akron area that might be interested, please let us know! We need to have this worked out by mid-June if we want this to be a possibility. Otherwise, to serving I go!

Nathan's currently napping here next to me in his bouncy seat. If he gives me a nice break like this again soon, I'll be sure to do more posting! AND... when I get some kitchen pictures, I'll post some of the demolition that's been going on. =) Can't wait till it's done! It's going to be beautiful!!!